Adventist Membership Systems (AMS)
The mission of Adventist Membership Systems is to develop, implement, and support an effective Adventist church management software system that empowers local churches and enhances membership ministries. Our vision is to enable local churches to serve members more efficiently and help leaders plan more strategically.
Adventist Mission (AM)
The Office of Adventist Mission has two tasks:
- Global Mission: to care for the Global Mission initiative to start new congregations in new areas and among new people groups.
- Mission Awareness: to make a direct and inspiring connection between the church’s mission work and the tithes and offerings given by church members.
Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS)
The mission of General Conference Adventist Volunteer Service is to assist the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the proclamation of the gospel to all peoples through the ministry of Adventist Volunteers, matching talents, gifts, resources and professional expertise with defined needs.
Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR)
ASTR serves as the official records center and archives of the world headquarters and the North American Division. ASTR also conducts research projects for the General Conference administration; evaluates General Conference departments and agencies; and produces the denomination’s Yearbook and Annual Statistical Report.
Institute of World Mission (IWM)
The Institute of World Mission fosters and facilitates the cross-cultural outreach of the Seventh‑day Adventist world Church. As a service of the General Conference, the Institute provides cross-cultural training for full-time, short-term, and volunteer missionaries, and facilitates their re-entry to the home field.
International Personnel Resources and Services (IPRS)
IPRS is the human resources department for missionaries around the world from the time they are appointed until the time they return to their home country. Besides caring for financial details, IPRS also takes care of special needs of missionaries arising from unusual or emergency circumstances.
VividFaith (VF)
VividFaith is a customizable, digital tool that organizations use to advertise and recruit, connecting people all over the world with service needs and opportunities, such as volunteer, employment, and mission trips.